Not to be confused with an earlier work, ‘The Electric Universe’, which deals only with large scale electrical effects, this book explains the fundamental structure of the universe.

A Radical New Theory of the structure of the Universe

Explained in a beautifully illustrated new book.

Download the PDFs of the book for Free!

It all began with a simple question: ‘Is there a fundamental particle that could create the Universe we see about us?’ I had tried this approach several times (over some 40 years) this time I tried the simplest Electromagnetic particle I could image.

As the theory evolved it was tested against all possible Scientific Constraints (from Aristotle to Albert Einstein’s work) it passed every test!

This theory is the very opposite of the Standard Model of Particle Physics: Simplicity versus extreme Complexity.

One of the new things this theory proposes is: ‘Put an electric field on the 4 Basic Matter particles (as required by Carl Friedrich Gauss’s theories) and you get a very different view of the Universe’.

Michael MacLachlan-Brown August 2021

Front Cover

Acknowledges the Four Great Scientists whose work provided a solid foundation for this book.

Back Cover

Introducing the tiny Quantum ElectroMagnetic Particle that can build the Universe.


PDF Downloads

Notes for reading the text of the book:

Because these PDFs were developed for printing the book, the AEU book is divided into four parts. It is probably best if the parts are read in sequence.

The fifth PDF, 'Booklet' is a duplicate of the reference section. To aid in reading the Book, it is recommended that 'hard copies' of the Booklet and the Contents pages (AEU part 1 f, g) are printed.

The sixth PDF, 'Simplification' is my original book on which The All Electric Universe is based.

AEU Part 3 (Main Text) should be displayed as two-page spreads with illustrations to the left and corresponding text to the right. The diagram referred to on page one of the Main Text is on the last page of Part 2.

Special instructions for viewing Part 3 - Main Text

The downloaded file may only display in your browser as single pages; open the File menu, 'export to PDF' and open as below:

1) For Windows: Open in Microsoft Edge, choose two-page view, and then select 'show cover page separately'.

2) For iMac: Open in Preview, select (View menu), 'Two pages'. This should automatically display page 1 separately.


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